Garden Maintenance

April 10, 2023

Another very important area to focus your time in the spring is in your gardens! A well
manicured and clean garden will produce the beneficial growth needed to provide a colorful
ambience all summer long! The first important tip is to rake through the garden to remove any
leaves, twigs, or garbage. It is crucial for a garden to be cultivated and edged in the spring to
open up the soil for the growing season. Tossing the soil around and removing dead plant
material will ensure the growth of other plants in the garden. One very important tip in the spring
is to cut back any dead stems, buds, or leaves on your plants. For example, if you have
hydrangea plants in your garden, make sure you cut back all the old flowers so the new ones
can bud! Inspect your garden to ensure the right amount of mulch is added so it can retain the
necessary moisture needed to promote growth. Adding some extra fertilizer or bone meal to
plants and flowers will help to strengthen the plants in your garden as well!

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